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Journal of Food and Clinical Nutrition

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It’s all in the sourdough!

Author(s): Deepta Nagpal*

Creating a well-cultured loaf from water, salt, flour, and air microbes is a beautiful biochemical and microbial process. Sourdough differs from most types of bread because it doesn't contain baker's yeast. It contains a naturally fermented culture starter, which is typically usedto bake sourdough bread. It is the most ancient way of making bread and has regained its importance as of late. I always wanted to try my hands on sourdough bread, and luckily, I met a friend who taught me the technique. For the past two years, sourdough bread baking has become a Sunday ritual for me, and I bake at least two to three loaves for the week.

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Citations : 9

Journal of Food and Clinical Nutrition received 9 citations as per Google Scholar report
