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Pulsus Journal of Surgical Research

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Laparoscopic or open treatment for hydatid liver cyst? A single institute experience: a prospective randomized control trial

Author(s): Samer Makki Mohamed Al-Hakkak

Hydatid disease is an endemic disease in many cattle and sheep-raising parts of the world. Surgery remains the gold standard modality of therapy of cystic echinococcosis despite the increased interest in nonsurgical techniques. To compare laparoscopic with open treatment of the hydatid cyst of the liver regarding complication rate, postoperative pain and hospital stay A prospective randomized study in which 60 patients presented with hydatid disease of the liver were undergone either laparoscopic or open surgical approach, patients split into 2 groups. The data collected were demographic data, radiological tests, and postoperative data. A total of 37 (62%) were female while 23 (38%) were male 28 patients (46.67%) had a laparoscopic approach and 32 patients (53.33%) had an open approach. 50 patients had a solitary liver hydatid cyst while 10 patients had two hepatic cysts. The mean operative time was 77 min (range, 40–140 min) in the open group and 55 min (range, 30–110 min) in the laparoscopic group. The mean postoperative hospital stay was 32 hours (range, 1–3 days) in the laparoscopic group and 52 hours (range, 2– 5days) in the open group. The postoperative surgical complication was significantly higher in the open group than the laparoscopic group (p-value 0.014)

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Citations : 45

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