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A survey on assessment of common animal welfare issues and the level of awareness of herdsmen was carried out in Tatton Agricultural Park (TAP) between November 2019 and March 2020. The main aim of the study was to identify common animal welfare issues affecting dairy cows in TAP, to measure the level of awareness amongst stockmen on animal welfare standards and practices in TAP. This was achieved by collecting data through administration of structured questionnaires and observation of dairy animals within their environment to identify the welfare concerns.
This study revealed that animal welfare though adapted in Tatton Agricultural Park is still poor. Generally, the farm has practiced most animal welfare issues without knowledge. Eighty percent of herdsmen were not aware of the term animal welfare, while the other 20% were aware getting information mainly from attending livestock workshops and interactions with veterinary practitioners. Herdsmen described feeding of animals, treating sick animals, tick control, provision of shelter and vaccination as good animal welfare practices with animal neglect, failure to treat sick animals, starvation, skin injuries and poor housing as bad welfare practices. Seventy percent of herdsmen could not provide shelter for animals at night, however, 40% had never implemented any form of ectoparasite control. On the observation of behavior of the herd, 70% of the cows manifested a positive behavior, calm and friendly when approached while 30% showed apprehension when approached and were restless in their natural environment. The general animal environmental status was poor with poor waste disposal. Therefore, the welfare of the dairy animals is not to the standard and the farm managers are advised to put in good management practices to improve the welfare of the animals which will also improve their production and productivity.