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Pulsus Journal of Surgical Research

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Locked Temporary vascular shunt- Haibo Lu and Shibi Lu

Author(s): Haibo Lu and Shibi Lu

Statement of the Problem:

To reduce the ischemia time of injured limbs in wartime, temporary vascular shunts (TVS) are commonly used. However, TVS are stabilized at the ends of the injured vessels using manual suture ties, the risk of dislodgement is high, and tightening manual suture ties is too time consuming.


The mean bursting pressure value of the veins shunted with the LTVS was 114.3% higher than that of the veins shunted with the TVS (0.045±0.008 MPa vs. 0.021±0.012 MPa; p=.00). Although the mean shunting time of the LTVS was reduced by 60.4% compared with that of the TVS (138.89±18.22 seconds vs. 350.48±52.20 seconds; p=.00), there was no significant difference in the patency times between the two types of devices (8.20±9.01 hour vs. 8.40±8.85 hour; p=.98).

Conclusion & Significance:

The LTVS, which was designed to treat wartime vascular injuries, might be safer and more efficient than the current TVS.

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Citations : 45

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