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Current Research: Cardiology

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Long-term event-Holter monitoring in low-populated areas as a valuable diagnostic tool in the detection of arrhythmia

Author(s): Michał Harańczyk*, Małgorzata Konieczyńska and Wojciech Płazak

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of the present study was to implement event- Holter tele-ECG system in small-town area with poor access to healthcare.

METHODS: One hundred patients aged over 55 with suspected arrhythmia were studied for one month, using 4-electrode event-Holter device. The study protocol included 3-times daily acquisition of ECG during complaints. For the period of observation patients were supported by a technical help-desk, psychologist, dietician and physicians.

RESULTS: During this study patients recorded over 7000 ECGs, with pathology rate of 19%. Quality of recordings remained high (88% ECGs of good quality), and patient’s satisfaction was excellent. Clinical impact was reflected in change of treatment in 16 patients, referring to cardiology clinic in 4 patients or cardiac ambulatory treatment in 33 individuals.

CONCLUSION: We found event-Holter monitoring as a valuable tool, that may be helpful in daily arrhythmia management. Prolonged time of acquisition may help to register arrhythmia otherwise remaining undetected.

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Citations : 177

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Current Research: Cardiology