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Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience

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Meningocele of petrous apex: A case report, literature review of differential diagnosis and its radiological findings

Author(s): Fistouris P*, Winkelmann D, Wessling J and Schick U

Meningoceles consist of meninges and CSF that have herniated through a skull defect, usually located in the midline. They are seen more commonly in children and very rarely in adults. We report a case of a 65-year-old patient, who was diagnosed with a osteolytic lesion in the right petrous apex, after computed tomography of the head was performed. A magnetic resonance imaging scan of the brain showed a cystic CSF collection through the defect. Below we present our experience of a meningocele of petrous apex, and by the way we provide a brief review of its differential diagnosis, as well as its relevant imaging findings.

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Citations : 87

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