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Journal of Cancer & Metastasis Research

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Moderating Effect of Coping Strategies on the Relationship Between the Type of Treatment Styles and Quality of Life Among Cancer Patients Receiving Standard Oncology and Palliative Care in Kerala

Author(s): Prema Naittee George and Ganesh M P

Cancer is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in developing and developed countries alike ( Ferlay, Foucher, Tieulent, Rosso, Coebergh, Comber & Bray, 2013). The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has estimated more than 17.3 lakh new cancer cases and more than 8.8 lakh deaths due to cancer by 2020. As upsetting as the rates, are the effects of the disease on the psycho-social functioning and Quality of life of the patients. Quality of life is different for different individuals and it has to be analysed based on the type of cancer, its stage and treatment prognosis (H. Singh, Kaur, B. Singh, S. Singh &Bala R, 2014). Adapting to the illness and achieving quality of life (QoL) is also the result of the proper choice of coping strategies and its effective use. The strategies that patients employ to cope with their life situation may in turn, have an effect on their treatment, disease prognosis and their overall wellbeing (Greer, Morris &Pettingale, 1979).

Choice of coping strategies is also an important factor that affects Quality of life and it significantly affects medical and other treatment-related outcomes (Chabowski, Jankowska-Polańska, Lomper&Janczak, 2018). It is also of greater importance being an important promoter of mental and physical health, as well as for subjective well-being in the long run (Lehto, Ojanen, Dyba, Aromaa&Kellokumpu-Lehtinen, 2005; Ben-Zur, 2009). Minimisation of stress is defined as Coping. It is a dynamic process where the individual appraises life-threatening situations and comes up with cognitive and behavioural efforts to manage their demands, both internal and external. (Folkman& Lazarus, 1988). When an individual does not have faith in their ability to cope with the situation or make changes in them they experience stress, this stress can lead to bad prognosis of cancer. Coping strategies such as problem focussed and emotion focussed; and treatment styles such as standard oncology and palliative care have an effect on the quality of life of cancer patients. Here, we report the outcomes of the study analysing the effect of coping strategies on the quality of life and explores its mediating effect on the relationship between treatment style and quality of life.

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