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Journal of Nanoscience and Nanomedicine

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Nanomaterials in the agrifood and pharmaceutical industry

Author(s): Andriya James*

Nanotechnology has recently emerged as one of the most fascinating scientific breakthroughs. Metal nanoparticles created by nanotechnology have received a lot of interest. Due to its practical applications aimed at the manufacture of novel materials at the nanoscale level, this is emerging as a rapidly rising discipline. Nanomaterials are attracting a lot of attention in a variety of industries, including agri-food and biomedical items. Nanomaterials can be used in a variety of applications in the agri-food industry, including fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, sensors, and quality boosters, as well as food processing, food packaging, and nutraceuticals to improve nutritional value. These agricultural uses result in improved crop quality and yield, as well as a reduction in pollution produced by numerous chemicals.

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Citations : 79

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanomedicine received 79 citations as per Google Scholar report
