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Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience

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Neuromuscular ultrasonography has clinical and research benefits in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Author(s): Joseph Dore*

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a terrible neurodegenerative disease that affects various levels of the nervous system. Without a formal diagnostic investigation, it remains a clinical diagnosis. Electrodiagnostic testing can help rule out mimicking illnesses when used in conjunction with imaging and biochemical markers. Neuromuscular ultrasonography is useful in the diagnosis and monitoring of ALS because it adds to clinical assessment and electrodiagnostic testing while also providing insight into the disease's underlying pathogenesis. This study summarises the evidence for using ultrasonography to assess bulbar, limb, and respiratory musculature, as well as peripheral nerves, in people with ALS. In this developing field, further research is needed.

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 87

Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience received 87 citations as per Google Scholar report

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