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Surgery: Case Report

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Pleuro pulmonary blastoma presenting as bullous disease of the lung in an infant

Author(s): Muthukumar Sundaram, Vijayakumar Raju*, Aayush Poddar, Antony Terance Benjamin and Ram Ganesh

A pleuro pulmonary blastoma (PPB) is a very rare and aggressive malignant tumour of lung in infants and children. Varying clinical and radiological presentation of pleuro pulmonary blastoma has been described. In this report, we are reporting an infant who presented with respiratory distress due to large bullae of the left lung and diagnosed to have pleuro pulmonary blastoma of the lung. bleeding. However follow-up is required to ensure complete resolution of the haemorrhage and to rule out a true adrenal mass. We report a case of unilateral adrenal haemorrhage secondary to motor vehicle accident.

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Citations : 80

Surgery: Case Report received 80 citations as per Google Scholar report

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