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Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

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Primes the solution to know them all

Author(s): Filiberto Marra, Cristina Gabrieli

The authors are convinced that numbers have a deeper meaning than their function as useful elements for mathematical calculations related to objective reality.
The numbers are present in the scientific, financial and everyday life.
Considering them important only for their practicality is a mistake that prevents a constructive evolution of our lives.
Numbers were given the correct importance in antiquity.
The scholar who more than others recognized the validity of the number was Pythagoras who believed that the number represented the substance of things and the true nature of the world. He developed the arithmetic of integers by studying their characteristics by classifying them into categories giving each number a more or less profound mystical-philosophical meaning. The Pythagoreans are credited with introducing other concepts such as the perfect number.

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 83

Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics received 83 citations as per Google Scholar report

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