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Journal of Pulmonology

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Prophetic chemo is the safest, cheapest and most effective alternative tomodern chemotherapy for the treatment of 17 types of cancer

Author(s): Muhammad Musharraf Hussain

Like all other great Prophets (AS) of God, statements of Prophet Muhammad are divinely inspired. Prophet Muhammad never spoke a single lie in his lifetime. So traditions of the Prophet on healing are also true, which modern science confirms through scientific research. This is because God says in the Qur��?an, ��?He not speak anything of his own desire�(Qur��?an; An-Najm 53:3). So although the Prophet��?s arrival was not as a physician he was inspired by God to make nearly 1000 statements on healing for the benefit of humankind, because man needs to remain well free from sickness to fulfill his brief mission earth. Prophetic medicine comprises the divinely inspired words of therapy of Prophet Muhammad. It was practiced during the early days of Islam 14 centuries ago and found very effective. Prophet Muhammad made specific statements on 37 ailments and 61 medicinal plants, herbs and shrubs while making prescriptions for the sick people. The vast number of Prophetic traditions on diseases and remedies & health and wellness became known as Medicine of the Prophet or Prophetic medicine. About Nigella sativa L.. Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrates that the Prophet said: "Hold on (use this seed regularly)! Because it is a remedy (cure) for every disease except death." (Bukhari, Muslim) This statement made 14 centuries ago generated tremendous interest among the world��?s scientific community, which finally led them to carry out extensive phytochemical and biological investigations on the black seed and its oil. However, it is amazing that the researchers after carrying out hundreds of researches finally concluded that black seed can effectively cure 129 different types of ailments including 17 types of cancer. This large number of diseases curable by black seed demonstrates the authenticity of the Prophet��?s statement. The success rate of modern chemotherapy is almost zero. In addition, most chemo drugs cause disastrous side effects. It causes loss of fertility of men and women and early menopause to women. It also produces secondary cancers. It is reported that most cancer patients do not die of cancer, but they die of chemo. Recent research shows that Prophetic chemo does not cause any harmful side effect. So collective wisdom of global scientists and oncologists is essential to eradicate this disease. In this lecture the learned audience will be enlightened with findings of modern scientific researches on how Prophetic chemo can effectively cure numerous cancers.

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 117

Journal of Pulmonology received 117 citations as per Google Scholar report
