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Pulsus Journal of Surgical Research

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Prostatic abscess - literature review

Author(s): Andre Canettieri Rubez

Prostate abscess, as a nosological entity, corresponds to an uncommon disease, accounting for about 0.5% of all prostate diseases, developing as a rare complication of acute bacterial prostatitis. The main age group affected is the 5th and 6th decades, however it can occur at any age. Although it is a rare disease in healthy young people, the incidence has been increasing in those with diabetes, chronic kidney disease, liver cirrhosis, pyogenic liver abscess, chemotherapy, transplant recipients, rheumatological diseases and HIV / AIDS. Another risk group for the development of this disease are those patients who have undergone invasive urological procedures, such as prostate biopsy, for example. Of these risk factors, the main one reported is diabetes mellitus, with an incidence that varies between 42% and 59% of individuals. This occurred after the advent of antibiotics, in which, in the 1950s and 1960s, the main factor associated with prostate abscess was gonococcal urethral infection.

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Citations : 45

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