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Applied Food Science Journal

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Proximate, Chemical and Amino acid Composition of Oven Dried Clam (Merceneria m.), Whelk(Thias c.), Oyster (Crassostrea g.) And Periwinkle(Tympanotonus f.) Meat

Author(s): Ebasi Okaya

The proximate, chemical and amino acid composition of four oven dried shell fish meat samples were analyzed, Clam (Mercenaria mercenaria), Whelk (Thias coronata), Oyster (Crassostrea gasar), and Periwinkle (Tympanotonus fuscatus). Results shows that the Whelk has the highest moisture content of 13.96±0.01, followed by oyster 8.99±0.00, clam 8.98±0.01 and periwinkle 6.50±0.4. The protein content of periwinkle was the highest with a protein content of 70.42±0.03, followed by oyster 64.70±0.00, whelk 47.3±0.03, and clam 46.90±0.00 was the least. Ash content was highest in whelk 5.62±0.00, followed by clam 5.07±0.03, oyster 4.23±0.00 and the least periwinkle 3.38±0.01. The fat content of oyster was the highest with 10.60±0.00, followed by clam 10.07±0.03, whelk 9.20±0.00 and periwinkle 4.76±0.01 the least. Whelk contains highest crude fiber content 10.45±0.01, followed by clam 10.07±0.03, whelk 9.20±0.00, and periwinkle 3.56±0.01. The calcium content was highest in oyster 580±0.000g/100g sample and the least clam 101±0.000mg. Selenium was highest in clam 40±0.000mg and lowest in oyster 0.50±0.014mg. Oyster contains the highest levels of phosphorus 200±0.000mg and the least whelk 110±0.000mg.

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Citations : 13

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