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Current Research: Cardiology

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Reactivation of BCG scar as a useful tool in the diagnosis of Kawasaki’s disease: A case report

Author(s): Adeola B Animasahun*, Motunrayo O Adekunle and Olusola Y Kusimo

Kawasaki disease is self-limiting but can be lethal if there is heart involvement. The diagnostic dilemma that can occur especially in the atypical form can lead to omission and delay in prompt treatment. The reactivation of BCG scar is a clinical manifestation that has been reported in some of the cases and its benefit in regions where BCG vaccine is routinely given has been documented. In Nigeria, there have only been few reported cases of Kawasaki disease and no report on BCG scar reactivation has been done. This case report on a boy with incomplete Kawasaki disease whose diagnosis was further strengthened with the reactivation of BCG scar is reported for its rarity and its benefit in the developing world like ours where BCG vaccination is part of the National Immunization Program schedule.

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Citations : 177

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Current Research: Cardiology