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Journal of Pharmacology and Medicinal Chemistry

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Recent changes in the anti-infective properties of indole and related compounds

Author(s): Jari Tiihonen, Joris Hemelaar

The key difficulties in managing infectious diseases overall are prevention, precise diagnosis, and efficient treatment of infections. The continuing SARs-COV-2(COVID-19) pandemic is the best example; it is currently causing great concern throughout the entire world. Interestingly, heterocyclic moieties offer a perfect foundation on which to build pharmacophores that are suitable for creating new medications. Indoles, which are common in all natural sources, are among the most important class of heteroaromatics in medicinal chemistry. The aforementioned derivatives numerous medicinal applications have made them important scaffolds. As a result, a lot of researchers are concentrating on the design and synthesis of biologically relevant indoles and associated hybrids.

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 73

Journal of Pharmacology and Medicinal Chemistry received 73 citations as per Google Scholar report
