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Journal of Pharmacology and Medicinal Chemistry

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Recent improvements in additive manufacturing methods used in the pharmaceutical industry

Author(s): Allison Siu, Tim Rahmel

Although the 3-dimensional Printing Method (3DP) was first invented in the 1980s, its use has significantly increased over the past 10 years, with the pharmaceutical industry playing a significant role in this development. Researchers from all over the world are working diligently to create novel pharmaceutical dosage forms, particularly customized ones that can meet the individual demands of the patient. These dosage forms aim to accommodate tailored medication, on-demand production, improved geometry, size, and dosage, as well as greater bioavailability of the drug active. With the advent of precision medicine in healthcare, the use of Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies for the creation of oral dosage forms and polypills is now considered essential. This opens up new possibilities for the administration of drug combinations and formulations that are specifically suited to each patient's needs. The widespread commercialization and acceptance of AM techniques could potentially disrupt the current healthcare supply chain, but they also have the potential to reduce the amount of wasted medication that is produced by outdated and unneeded drugs.

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 73

Journal of Pharmacology and Medicinal Chemistry received 73 citations as per Google Scholar report
