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International Journal of Anatomical Variations

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Redundant Sigmoid Colon with Multiple Enteroenteric Intussusceptions- A Cadaveric Case Report

Author(s): Ojora KA* and Karau BP

Redundant sigmoid colon which is also known as dolichosigmoid colon is an abnormally long sigmoid colon which can extend into the abdominal cavity. We present a rare case of multiple intussusception and a redundant sigmoid colon discovered in a cadaver during dissection. This sigmoid colon extended into the abdominal cavity, and in addition to the redundant sigmoid colon there were presence of many small intestinal intussusceptions. This dolichosigmoid colon has a U shape with ascending and descending limbs, and it could have resulted from sigmoid colon volvulus, constipation, or abnormal development of the large intestine. These factors may have been the initiating factor for the formation of multiple small intestine intussusceptions presented in this case study because intussusception usually results as a consequence of an underlying condition. In medical procedures a redundant sigmoid colon could result into harmful and difficult colonoscopy for the patient and gastroenterologist respectively, a good knowledge of this occurrence would be of good help in preventing iatrogenic injuries during colonoscopy.

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Citations : 2717

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