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Reflections on 30 Years of Oculoplastic Surgery: 10 Suggestions
James H Oestreicher, MD, FRCSC
This talk will discuss wisdom gained by the author’s 30 year career as an Oculoplastic and Orbital Surgeon in a Canadian tertiary and quaternary care centre. The aim will be to draw out broader themes which younger surgeons can use to shape their practice. The discussion will be led by case examples of instructive encounters, from rare inflammations, to vascular disease, trauma, cosmetic surgery repair, teaching around the world (especially project ORBIS), collaboration with other specialties (where the brain meets the orbit), and finally the value of intellectual collaboration with peers.
Dr James Oestreicher is an Ophthalmologist and Oculoplastic/Orbital Surgeon at St Michael’s Hospital and Mt Sinai Hospital in Toronto. He is a full professor of Ophthalmology and Vision Science at the University of Toronto. For many years he directed the ASOPRS accredited fellowship in Oculoplastic Surgery based in Toronto. Besides lecturing internationally at conferences, he has volunteered on 15 missions with Project Orbis.
Selected Publications:
Brownstein S., Nijhawan N., Allaire G., Oestreicher JH., Mehta S., Paquette S.,Kalin-Hajdu E., Saleh S., Jiang K.
Regression of sebaceous carcinoma of the eyelid after a small incisional biopsy.
Report of two cases. Ocul Oncol Pathol. 2019 Jun;5(4):252-257. doi: 10.1159/000490706. Epub 2018 Nov 2.
Bedi H., Hussain A.,Wright J., Laiq S, Tsui G., Yucel Y., Tadros M, Kus JV, Oestreicher JH.
Phialophora verrucosa infection of an orbital implant - case report and review of the literature. Canadaian Journal of Pathology 2017;9(1) 59-73
Oestreicher JH and Mehta, S: Complications of blepharoplasty: prevention and management. Plastic Surgery International 2012:252368. doi: 10.1155/2012/252368
Wu AY, Jebodhsingh K, Le T, Law C, Tucker N, DeAngelis D, Oestreicher JH and Harvey JT: Indications for orbital imaging by the oculoplastic surgeon. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surgery 27(4): 260-262, 2011
Oestreicher JH, Pang NK and Liao W: Treatment of lower eyelid retraction by retractor release and posterior lamellar grafting: an analysis of 659 eyelids in 400 patients. Ophthal Plastic Reconstr Surgery 24(3): 207-212, 2008
Skibell BC, Harvey JH, Oestreicher JH, Howarth D, Gibbs A, Wegrynowski T, Wing T and DeAngelis D: Adrenergic receptors in the ptotic human eyelid: correlation with phenylephrine testing and surgical success of ptosis repair. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg 23(5): 367-371, 2007
Shoamanesh A, Pang N and Oestreicher JH: Complications of orbital implants: a review of 542 patients who have undergone orbital implantation and 275 subsequent peg placements. Orbit 25(3):173-182, 2007
Belliveau MJ., Ooestreicher JH., Ptosis repair in ocular myasthenia gravis
Semin Opththalmol 2017; 32-564-568