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International Journal of Anatomical Variations

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Regional Anatomical Differences Exploring the Diversity of Human Structure Across Populations

Author(s): Diana John*

Regional anatomical differences represent a fascinating aspect of human biology, reflecting the complex interplay of genetic, developmental, and environmental factors across diverse geographic regions. This research article provides a comprehensive examination of regional anatomical variations, drawing insights from anthropology, genetics, and medical imaging. Through a multidisciplinary approach, we explore the origins and functional significance of regional anatomical differences, shedding light on their implications for health, disease, and evolutionary adaptation. By synthesizing current knowledge and highlighting areas for further research, this article aims to deepen our understanding of human diversity and pave the way for personalized healthcare interventions tailored to regional anatomical characteristics.

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Citations : 2717

International Journal of Anatomical Variations received 2717 citations as per Google Scholar report

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