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The Attention-Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a disease which is more frequent during childhood and may continue through adulthood as well. There are currently several pharmacological treatments and psycotherapy that allow us to treat our patients, but there is one recently started to been studied, the neurofeedback and the cognitive training. The neurofeedback uses auditive and visual stimuli to obtein an oriented response of the attention and is commonly found in some videogames creating a bound between the user and the application, and some studies report improvement in the attention. The cognitive training has been studied in some proyects such as Lumosity and BrainHQ reporting improvement in other areas such as memory, maths and attention as well. Unfortunately, most of the studies have been in adults. Due to the above, and in search a fan alternative for our children, the objetive of the study was to identify if, through the use of some videogames, we can improve the performance in contiuos performance test (CPT-d) in children diagnosed with ADHD. At the end, comparing the results of the CPT-d applied at the beginning, at the middle, and at the end of the sessions we found that there was a significant improvement in three of the four areas evaluated (response time, impulsivity, and attention) in both men and women. These results gives us the opportunity to continue evaluating this tool for a long term so it could be an alternative treatment for the ones known now days