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Anesthesiology Case Reports

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Rhabdomyolysis in COVID-19 Patient

Author(s): Hazem Alahwal*

INTRODUCTION: COVID-19 is a global pandemic causing millions of infections and deaths around the world. Although it primarily affects the respiratory system, multiple organ specific manifestations have been reported. Few case reports of Rhabdomyolysis are reported in COVID-19 patients. We report a case of Rhabdomyolysis in a COVID-19 patient.
CASE PRESENTATION: 73-year-old male was admitted to the ICU for hypoxic respiratory failure requiring intubation secondary to COVID-19. His renal function deteriorated and he developed elevated creatinine, oliguria, hyperkalemia, and over a two-week period which required hemodialysis. Hospital course was complicated by shock, atrial fibrillation, ventilator dependent respiratory failure requiring tracheostomy. The patient was discharged to a long-term acute care hospital.
CONCLUSION: There are few case reports of Rhabdomyolysis in COVID-19 patients in the literature. Further studies are needed to understand the pathophysiology leading to Rhabdomyolysis in COVID-19 patients. Early recognition and treatment is essential in improving outcomes and lowering mortality

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Citations : 12

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