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Current Research: Cardiology

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Sixty inappropriate defibrillation shocks in several days due to lead displacement

Author(s): David Korpas*, Jana Haluzikova, Marek Penhaker and Martin Augustynek

Background: Implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) are active cardiac implants for immediate treatment of ventricular arrhythmias. They provide life-saving therapy, but may also deliver inappropriate therapy.
Methods and Results : The present report describes a rare occurrence of many inappropriate ICD shocks because of lead displacement shortly after implantation. A 57-year-old overweight man received 353 antitachycardia pacings and 60 shocks of 41 J in total, all within 13 days. The device records show a decrease in the sensed R-waves and pacing impedance fluctuation.
Conclusion: The ventricular electrogram signals recorded and shock channels were typical for lead rubbing.

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Citations : 177

Current Research: Cardiology received 177 citations as per Google Scholar report

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Current Research: Cardiology