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Pulsus Journal of Surgical Research

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Sleeve Gastrectomy as a Short Stay Procedure: How Safe is it?

Author(s): Nanda Rajaneesh* and Carunya Mannan

Short stay procedures have gained popularity in many surgical sub-specialties. It is proven that short stay surgeries deliver the same high quality care as given to hospital patients. Advantages are early discharge, minimal loss of productivity, cost reduction, and less risk of infections. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) has consolidated as a primary bariatric technique. Because of its quick post-operatory recovery, it can be safe to perform them as short stay procedures, with appropriate patient selection. Aim of this study was to prove the safety of short-stay surgery after Laparoscopic sleeve gasterectomy. Patient selection was based on ASA grade. Only 1 and 2 were chosen for short stay procedure. Patients with BMI < 50 only were chosen. Data was collected prospectively about hospital stay, readmission rate and complications on 21 primary laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy performed between January 2018 – January 2020 From a total of 21 patients, 18 were discharged in the first 24 hours. 3 were discharged within 48hours. No re-admissions were done for any of the patients. No major complications occurred between days 1 and 4. 2 patients had seroma of the port site wound. This study suggests laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy can be done safely as a short stay procedure and that hospital stay for more than 24 hours is not required, with a standardized patient selection criteria.

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Citations : 45

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