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Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

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Sociodemographic factors associated with diarrhoea in children under 2 years in Ile-Ife, Nigeria.

Author(s): Florence Akinwumi* and OA Igbeneghu

Objective: This study gathered information about participants’ knowledge of diarrhea to determine the sociodemographic parameters connected to infantile diarrhea in Ile-Ife.
Method: In order to gather the essential information about respondents’ social standing and living circumstances, this study used a well-designed questionnaire. In total, 222 respondents representing the parents or guardians of 115 children (aged 0 months -24 months) who appeared to be healthy and 107 children (aged 0 months-24 months) who presented with diarrhea were recruited for this study.
Results: Of the 107 participants in the study overall, more (60.7%) male children than female children presented with diarrhea at the medical facilities. The majority of the children that showed up at the clinics (49.5%) were their parents’ first-borns. Drinking untreated well water was discovered to be substantially linked with diarrhea symptoms (p<0.05). The presentation of diarrhea was unrelated to education level.
Conclusion: Diarrhea-related infant mortality can be avoided if parents, caregivers, and the government take preventative steps

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