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Pulsus Journal of Surgical Research

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Surgical catastrophe brought on by a hernia mesh infection and a poor course of care

Author(s): Sivi Divya*

A patient is shown who has a recurring, enormous ventral hernia and a mesh infection. The hernia mesh infection took five surgeries, several months to treat, and additional months to handle issues brought on by mesh removal. Surgical procedures under general anesthesia, as well as radiologic, microbiological, and laboratory tests, were completed during the most recent hospitalization. A total of seven antibiotics were recommended for days. If a surgeon is working in an area of surgery that is not routinely done, it can be difficult to keep up with the most recent
evidence-based techniques. Both tactical and surgical technique errors are significant contributors. A surgical strategy that fluctuates between precision and error can trigger a series of problems and surgical blunders that ultimately lead to life-threatening complications. The challenges associated with hernia mesh infection and illustrates the effects of a poor surgical approach on the healing process.

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Citations : 45

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