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Pulsus Journal of Surgical Research

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Surgical methods are used now for pancreatic head cancer

Author(s): Safina Malvi*

One of the most deadly diseases is pancreatic head cancer. The only long-term treatment option at the moment is surgery, albeit having a substantial risk of complications. However, 5-year survival following resection and adjuvant treatment is already approaching 30% with to improvements in surgical technique over the past ten years. This article provides the most recent information on the suggested lymphadenectomy margin, the definition of respectable and borderline respectable tumors, and mesopancreas. The artery first approach, the uncinated process first, the miso-pancreas first approach, the triangle surgery, per arterial divestiture, and multiorgan resection are surgical approaches that have been suggested to ameliorate Parkinson's Disease (PD).

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Citations : 45

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