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Three separate abductor digiti minimi muscle bellies and tendons were found during dissection of the right foot of a 79 y.o. man. The largest lateral, the smaller medial and smallest intermediate bellies, originated from the calcaneal tuberosity and the inner surface of the lateral plantar fascia. The tendons of the lateral and intermediate abductor digiti minimi muscles joined together distally around the plantar aspect of the fifth tarsometatarsal joint and inserted into the base of the lateral aspect of the proximal phalanx of the fifth toe. The medial muscle belly, deep to the two lateral bellies, passed distally and laterally, then became tendinous and aponeurotic lateral to the fifth tarsometatarsal joint and continued as an aponeurosis on the dorsum of the fifth metatarsal shaft before attaching into the dorsal digital expansion of the same toe.