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Journal of Modern and Applied Physics

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The high Q resonance characteristics of the CEWL electron model may predict directionality of virtual photons and neutrinos

Author(s): Donald Bowen*

Matter forms from high-energy photons by Electron-Positron pair production. The Charged Electromagnetic Wave Loop (CEWL) Electron model was developed in 2011 to explain this transition and ended up explaining more by matching all known values of the electron and explaining the previous mystery of why the Electron’s bare g-factor is 2 rather than 1 (½ spin). Two new insights are explored in this paper:

• Since an Electron is stable, its internal electromagnetic resistance is essentially zero which allows unique solutions for the Electron’s capacitance and inductance to be calculated (3.419126348 ×10-24 Farads and 4.85262 ×10-19 Henries), and the Capacitance value can then give an approximate size of the internally oscillating charge.

• Another insight (probably testable) predicts the directionality of virtual photons (and possibly Neutrinos). This stems from the fact that the loop characteristics of the CEWL Model, in which the circumference exactly matches the wavelength of a (virtual) photon with an Electron’s energy, is analogous to the characteristics of a resonant loop antenna in which the circumference must also exactly match the wavelength in order to achieve high Q resonance, which leads to a prediction that Leptonic virtual photons (and possibly Neutrinos) will be generated in the same directions as high Q loop antennas i.e. in the North and South magnetic directions of the CEWL loop.

(Non-resonant antenna loops have very different absorption/radiation patterns that tend to leak photonic energy sideways which is in contradiction with the fact that Electrons are stable). The high Q directionality might guide future research into how and where virtual photons (and possibly Neutrinos) form near Leptons.

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