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Applied Food Science Journal

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The Impact of Off-Farm Participation on Food Security Status of Rural Households in Dibatie

Author(s): Adem Endiris

 This paper was analyzed the determinants of off-farm participation and its impact on food security status of rural households in Dibatie woreda of Benishangul Gumuz region. The main objective of this study was to assess the determinants of household participation in off-farm activities and the impact of off-farm activities on household’s food security status. A two-stage sampling methods were used to draw representative households. The cross sectional data was collected using structured questionnaire and key informant interview. Both descriptive statistics and econometric model (endogenous switching probit model and binary probit model) were used to analyze the survey data at household levels. Food Security Index is used to measure food security status of sample households based on average kcal per day consumed by all members of a household. The result of this study revealed that about 59.4% of households were food secure and 40.6% households were below the food security line (less than 2200 kcal/day/adult equivalent). Furthermore, the estimated binary probit model result shows that the variables such as household size, distance to nearest market, age of household head, education level of household head, special skill, utilization of formal credit, access to market information, access to electricity and frequency of extension contact were found significant influence on off-farm participation.

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Citations : 13

Applied Food Science Journal received 13 citations as per Google Scholar report
