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One third of the world population is estimated to be infected with intestinal parasites. The most affected people are children and the poor people living in tropics and subtropics. Poly-parasitism (the concurrent infection with multiple intestinal parasite species) is found to be the norm among the same population although accurate estimate of its magnitude is unknown or involved mechanism is unknown. It was found that poly-parasitism might have a greater impact on morbidity (rate of disease) than single species infection which might also increase susceptibility to other infections.Thus, the studying and the analysis of archival documentation Department State sanitary – epidemiological supervision of Kyrgyz Republic (DSSES), Center of the State sanitary – epidemiologic supervision (CSSES) and Republican clinical infectious hospital (RCIH) since 2005, shows on growth intestinal mix-invasion of the population in the Bishkek city (Table 1 and Fig.1). Especially, high contamination is marked at children of school age. So, in 2008 from 329 surveyed at 2 persons are revealed intestinal mix-invasion - 0,60 %, in a combination of parasites (lamblia + ascaris, lamblia + oxyuris). In 2009 from 207 infected, the mix-invasion are revealed at 6 patients - 2,89 %, in a combination (lamblia + ascaris, lamblia + oxyuris, ascaris + lamblia + oxyuris). In 2010 12 schoolboys with mix-invasion, from 220 infected - (5,45 %) are revealed.