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Journal of Phlebology and Lymphology

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The lymphatic system in the new era: No longer a support system for the blood vascular system

Author(s): Archie Andrews*

The two primary circulatory systems in human body are the blood and lymphatic systems. Because of its enigmatic anatomy and unexplained pathophysiology, the lymphatic system has received far less scientific and medical attention than the blood system. However, a succession of significant findings over the last decade has begun to dispel the myth that the lymphatic system is subordinate to the more vital blood vascular system. The current understanding of the development and pathophysiology of the lymphatic system is reviewed in this article. We wish to persuade readers that the lymphatic system is just as important to human health and well-being as the circulatory system.

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Citations : 184

Journal of Phlebology and Lymphology received 184 citations as per Google Scholar report
