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The Ophthalmologist: Clinical and Therapeutic Journal

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The moment for visual electrophysiology has come

Author(s): Alina Josh*

Visual electrophysiology, a field encompassing the study of the electrical activities of the visual system, has witnessed significant advancements and innovations in recent years. This article explores the evolution and importance of visual electrophysiology in understanding the intricacies of visual perception and its clinical applications. The integration of cuttingedge technologies and methodologies has elevated the relevance of visual electrophysiology, making it a pivotal tool in both research and clinical practice. This article emphasizes the growing significance of visual electrophysiology in unraveling the mysteries of the visual system and its promising potential for revolutionizing ophthalmic diagnostics and treatments.

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 789

The Ophthalmologist: Clinical and Therapeutic Journal received 789 citations as per Google Scholar report
