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Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

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The parameterization of all stabilizing minimum-phase controllers for minimum-phase strictly proper plants

Author(s): Dayu Zhang*, Nghia Thi Mai, Kotaro Hashikura, Md Abdus Samad Kamal and Kou Yamada

The problem of parameterization is to find all stabilizing controllers for the controlled system. At present, there are many methods to choose from for the controlled plants with the minimum-phase. However, most of the existing procedure do not introduce minimum-phase controller into the system. In this sense, Zhang et al. have a new view that a parameterization method for all steady- state minimum phase controllers for minimum phase biproper systems is given. This paper expands the research results of Zhang et al. for the minimum-phase strictly proper controlled systems and the parameterization of all minimum-phase stabilizing controllers is given. The internal stability and control performance of the closed-loop system are studied. At the same time, an algorithm which can be used to construct minimum phase stability control is presented. Finally, an example is given to explain the characteristics of the algorithm proposed in this paper. Because this method can find all the minimum-phase stabilizing controllers well, it can be applied to many control problems.

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Citations : 83

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