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What narcissistic foundations can we hope to build when a child is born out of maternal desire, apart from a sufficiently good object investment? What future hope for the evolution of his subjectivity prey to a fantasy experience of submission, domination and affective ambivalence? What place to seek for in a family dynamic raising a big brother to the omnipotent status? What recourse to adopt in order to survive the destructiveness of internal objects, threatening and barring the road to the hallucinatory realization of desire? These are the questions we asked ourselves when we encountered the Addiction; When we encountered Ms A in our office and when she started exposing her struggle for existence. A struggle with Addiction, a struggle against Addiction. Addiction she considered once as her best friend, helping her denying her psychic distress. Addiction that proved destructive, plunging her into more suffering. The Addiction that allowed her to survive her pains, imprisoned her in a vicious cycle of ephemeral enjoyment and exposed her to a certain death breaking any investment with her primary love objects.