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In this second part of the theory, by enunciating three additional postulates, and relative corollaries, we characterise the unique element that constitutes the true universe in its entirety: the Temporal Waves (TWs). They are stationary electromagnetic waves that oscillate along the diameter of the 4D universe which is its time dimension. They appear as quanta of matter in the 3D part of the 4D universe, corresponding to dark matter. The first four TWs emerged from a quantum fluctuation within an unspecified region (the Big Bang event) of an always-existing quantum vacuum. The negative radiation pressure exerted on the local quantum vacuum by these emerging temporal waves has led to the creation and expansion of the 4D universe. Therefore, the negative radiation pressure exerted by all TWs represents the dark energy (Λ) of the ΛCDM model. Subsequently, a resonancelike phenomenon occurred between these initial TWs and the newly spacetime generated by expansion led to the creation of adjacent new TWs, alternatively in phase or phase-shifted by 180°. Based on the "restricted holographic principle" postulate 4 states that this only two possible phases of the TWs are perceived as positive and negative electric charges in the 3D part of the 4D universe. In this work, we derive the equations of the TWs energy and calculate the radius, energy, and equivalent mass of the entire 4D universe. In particular, the total universe energy is always equal to zero. In addition, thermodynamic equations are developed including those to determine the temperatures of the 4D universe at various red shift (Z) that agree with those published. Finally, we calculate the amplitude of the TWs electric and magnetic fields and obtain that the electric and magnetic forces acting between two TWs have the same value.