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International Journal of Anatomical Variations

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Unusual variation in the anatomy of the left lung: A Case Report

Author(s): Pallavi Arora*, Mohd Anas Khan, Renu Dhingra and Sahil Kalra

Lungs are the functional units of respiration and are crucial to survival. They lie in the thoracic cavity, separated by the heart and mediastinum. While the two lungs are similar, they are not completely symmetrical, having different numbers of lobes and bronchial and vascular anatomy. In most individuals, the right lung comprises three lobes subdivided into ten segments, and the left lung consists of two lobes and 8-10 segments. The lobes of the lungs are also incompletely separated by fissures. Each lung has an oblique fissure, with a horizontal fissure in the right lung. We reported an accessory fissure and an additional accessory lobe in the left lung during routine dissection. As the fissures form boundaries for the lobes of the lungs, knowledge of their position is necessary for appreciation of lobar anatomy and, thus, for locating the bronchopulmonary segments, which are anatomically and clinically significant.

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Citations : 2717

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