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International Journal of Anatomical Variations

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Unveiling the Hidden Muscular Ally: The Costohumeralis - An Extra Branch of the Pectoralis Major

Author(s): Minali Kriston*

The costohumeralis muscle, an often-overlooked additional slip of the pectoralis major, offers valuable insights into the complexities of the musculoskeletal system. This article delves into the anatomy and function of the costohumeralis muscle, emphasizing its role in supporting and enhancing the actions of the pectoralis major. Understanding the variability of the costohumeralis muscle among individuals is essential for medical professionals, as it can impact surgical procedures, shoulder injury diagnosis, and rehabilitation. While more research is needed to uncover its full clinical significance, the presence of the costohumeralis muscle underscores the intricate nature of the human body and the ongoing discoveries within the field of anatomy.

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Citations : 2717

International Journal of Anatomical Variations received 2717 citations as per Google Scholar report

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