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International Journal of Anatomical Variations

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Variant formation and course of the median nerveuniting

Author(s): Ajay Ratnakarrao Nene*, Krishna Swami Gajendra and Manchiraju Venkata Ramananda Sarma

Many formative variations of median nerve are known but this variant formation and course of median nerve is rare. A variant formation of median nerve was noted in the left axilla and arm of a male cadaver, in the form of formation of median nerve behind the third part of axillary artery and its course in arm entirely behind the brachial artery. There may be compression of axillary artery due to the roots of the nerve passing around the artery. Also there may be compression of median nerve between the fork of axillary artery and its branch. This variation may be clinically important because symptoms of median nerve compression arising from similar variations are often confused with more common causes such as radiculopathy and carpal tunnel syndrome.

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Citations : 2717

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