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Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

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Wave answers to some nonlinear evolution equations

Author(s): Amelia Smith*

Seas and gravity waves in a more modest space, spatial-worldly rescaling of the nonlinear wave movement are depicted by the compound Korteweg-de Vries (KdV)- Burgers condition, the (2+1)- layered Maccari framework, and the summed up shallow water wave condition. In this work, we successfully determine bountiful shut structure wave arrangements of these situations by utilizing the twofold (G′/G, 1/G)-extension technique. The got arrangements incorporate solitary wrinkle molded soliton arrangements, intermittent arrangement, particular occasional arrangement, single soliton, and different arrangements too. We show that the twofold (G ′/G, 1/G)-development strategy is a proficient and strong technique to analyze Nonlinear Evolution Equations (NLEEs) in numerical physical science and logical application.

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Citations : 83

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