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Addiction Science 2019 & Dementia Care 2019
Day 1 July 24, 2019
Sessions: Addiction Drugs and Abuse | Clinical Trials and Drug Development | Recent Advances in
Dementia Diagnosis | Treatment Community | Diseases associated with Dementia | Gaming Addiction
Session Introduction
Interventions and attitudes among U.S. and international surgeons treating patients with
infective endocarditis from intravenous drug use
Julie M Aultman,
Northeast Ohio Medical University, USA
Safety of plasma A
1-42 and A
1-40 reduction with H.E.A.L.E.R. (Haemoadsorption for
Extracorporeal Amyloid-
Level Expedited Reduction) using BETACLEAR BICARB 1000 in
healthy elderly individuals
Miguel A Ramos,
St. Luke’s Medical Center, Philippines
Crystal Meph: Christopher Marlowe’s Dr Faustus and the evil of addiction
Catherine Harrison,
Edge Hill University, UK
Feature binding as an indicator of early cognitive decline in dementia
Raju Sapkota,
Anglia Ruskin University, UK
Maternal smoking during pregnancy: A review
Molonga Simon,
Sahmyook University, South Korea
The comparisons of phenotype and genotype between CADASIL and CADASIL-like patients
and population-specific evaluation of CADASIL scale in China
Dan He,
Sun Yat-sen University, China
Characterization of the behavior of young people identified as having problematic use of
electronic games and evaluation of possible impairments in cognitive performance
Husten Carvalho,
UNESA University, Brazil
Session Chair
Alberto de Bellis
Maria Rosaria Maglione Foundation Onlus, Italy
Session Co Chair
Lynda Hacker Araoz
Columbia County Pathways to Recovery, USA