Volume 2
Journal of Medical Biotechnology
Biotechnology 2018
July 16-17, 2018
Page 14
World Biotechnology Congress
July 16-17, 2018 Berlin, Germany
Akuma Saningong, J Med Biotechnol 2018, Volume 2
The new biology of epigenetics
he science of epigenetics, which literally means control above genetics, profoundly changes our understanding of how life
is controlled. Environmental influences including nutrition, stress and emotions, can modify genes without changing their
basic blueprint. The environment serves as a “contractor” who reads and engages those genetic blueprints and is ultimately
responsible for the character of a cell’s life. It is a single cell’s awareness of the environment that primarily sets into motion
the mechanisms of life. In fact epigenetics, the study of the molecular mechanisms by which the environment controls gene
activity, is today one of the most active areas of scientific research. Epigenetics reveals that when we change our perceptions
and environment, our genes can change as well. The idea that our perceptions override our genes is now at the forefront of
medical research. Everything we’ve left out of the medical model - energy, thoughts, spirit - now turns out to be the primary
mechanism of interaction with physical reality. In this presentation, the basic concepts of epigenetics and how it is changing
our understanding to health and disease is being shared. And above all, having same genes doesn’t mean same having the same fate.
Akuma Saningong is a Master Communicator. He has completed his PhD in Natural Sciences with emphasis on biotechnology and protein biochemistry. He was the former
University Lecturer in Molecular Biology and Polymer Chemistry, former Head of R&D in the sustainable use of bio-wastes to produce biobased products, former Director
of three international research and innovation networks with key players from academia and industry. His research areas of interest are protein biochemistry, molecular
biology, biotechnology and polymer chemistry.
saningonga@yahoo.comAkuma Saningong
Maximizing Your Potential- Empowering you, Germany