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Volume 2

Journal of Molecular Cancer

Breast Cancer & Vascular Conference 2019

February 25-26, 2019

Page 17

February 25-26, 2019 London, UK

Joint event on

World Congress on

Breast Cancer

Vascular Biology & Surgeons Meeting



International Conference on


My worst arterial case of 2018


A38-year-old female patient from the basic health systempresented on june 1st, with abdominal pain that was investigated

with abdominal ultrasonography and showed cholelithiasis. Patient was treated for cholecystitis in the basic unit and evolved

with new episodes of abdominal pain, chest pain and hypotension. The patient underwent abdominal angiotomography

showing a type B aortic dissection of stanford, beginning in the proximal descending portion extending to the emergence of

the superior mesenteric artery, occlusion of the celiac trunk and thrombus at 8 cm from the origin of the superior mesenteric

artery. Signs of renal and splenic infarctions. Patient was referred to our service on June 16


with abdominal distension and

abdominal pain associated with oral feeding, She evolved with non-acceptance of enteral diet and the parenteral diet was

started. Loss of 20 kg during hospitalization of 81 days.


Performed open surgery with embolectomy of superior mesenteric artery without thrombus outlet and opted to

perform aorto-hepatic bypass with PTFE 4 and cholecystectomy.

After surgical procedure decided by abdominal evaluation that evidenced a new finding of important ileal semi-occlusion.

Performed enterectomy with primary enteroanastomosis.

Patient progressed well postoperatively, with gradual weight gain after oral feeding and absence of abdominal pain.


Rodrigo Riemma graduated in medicine from Federal University of Goias in 2006. He specialized in vascular and endovascular Surgery in 2014. Angiology and vascular

surgery specialist of the Brazilian Society of angiology and endovascular surgery. Angioradiology, endovascular surgery and Doppler ultrasound specialist at the Brazilian

College of Radiology. CEO at Instituto de Vascular e Laser since 2015. He currently works as a vascular and endovascular surgery Professor at Hospital das Clinicas de

Goias - HC-UFG, Brazil.

Rodrigo Riemma, J Molecular Cancer

Volume 2

Rodrigo Riemma

Hospital das Clinicas de Goias - HC-UFG, Brazil