Current Research: Integrative Medicine
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CAM Therapies 2017
September 18-19, 2017 Charlotte, USA
International Meeting on
Complementary and Alternative Medicine & Therapies
Rachel Keener
Trauma Recovery Alliance, USA
TRE®: Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises® overview
ension, Stress and Trauma Releasing Exercises
(also known as TRE
) are a series of simple movements
enabling the body to release deep muscular patterns of stress, tension & trauma by stimulating a gentle,
involuntary, shaking response. TRE
was developed with the understanding that human beings are genetically
encoded to contract to protect ourselves during stressful or traumatic situations. After the stressful event has
passed, the next phase of the survival cycle is the release of these contractions bringing the body and mind back
to an optimal state of balance. However, the way the body releases these contractions is through shaking and
tremoring. Culturally, we’ve been conditioned to believe that shaking is a sign of weakness. Very early on we learn
to unconsciously inhibit this healing response often by tensing even more. TRE
interrupts incomplete looping
defense responses by reactivating this natural healing mechanism letting our nervous system know it is now safe
to return to a state of relaxation and calm. TRE
was originally intended for sufferers of acute trauma. However,
over the past few decades, TRE
has become an increasingly popular way to effectively manage the ongoing
stressors of everyday life. This technique is intended to be a self-empowering practice. Once you are familiar with
the process, TRE becomes a tension and stress management resource that is available to you anytime, anywhere
often producing immediate and profound results. Some of the reported benefits include: better sleep; fewer,
less intense, headaches; decreased fibromyalgia symptoms; overall decrease of aches and pains; significantly
reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression; increased overall energy and stamina; discharge of emotional &
physical trauma; feeling calmer and less reactive and release of deep chronic tension and other PTSD symptoms.
In the late 1980’s, TRE
was developed for international use in high-conflict zones by David Berceli, PhD an
expert in the field of trauma recovery and conflict resolution. Utilized by large military populations, traumatized
communities exposed to natural and war-related disasters, first responders, mental health professionals, teachers,
children, prisoners, individuals with PTSD & C-PTSD and athletes, TRE
has been taught in more than 100
countries. In 2011, the US Department of Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic
Brain Injury recognized TRE
as a promising modality for regulating stress and promoting resiliency, especially
due to its “simplicity, brevity, and immediate effects.” There is a copious amount of anecdotal evidence globally
and pilot clinical outcome studies have verified efficacy in various populations in Canada, the US, and South
Africa. Currently, 35 countries maintain active training and certification programs. TRE
training materials have
been translated into 10 languages.
Rachel Keener is Co-founder of Trauma Recovery Alliance, Rachel Keener has studied extensively through non-traditional programs with the intention of
discovering how we can be in the world, living authentically, not simply surviving but thriving. Her curriculum has included: explorations of indigenous cultures
and their ancient healing wisdom, bioenergetics, and somatic-based resiliency and capacity building modalities. Specifically, she has studied extensively with the
aboriginal medicine people of the Q’ero nation who reside in the Andean mountains of Peru. She is a certified Reiki Master Teacher and a certified global TRE
(Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises
) provider.