Volume 3
Food Science 2019
November 11-12, 2019
Page 17
Food Science and Technology
November 11-12, 2019 | London, UK
International Conference on
Applied Food Science Journal
Appl Food Sci J. | Volume 3
A road map to Agriculture, Nutrition and Health
an is crippled in Evolution. Human Genome Project has revealed that he has only 19 thousand genes. Plants
have over 50 thousand genes. They can synthesize all vitamins and amino acids and the two omega fatty
acids that we can’t. Therefore, the dependency. Plants fix carbon dioxide synthesize our food, using solar energy,
evolve oxygen. We breath oxygen to live and inevitably produce free radicals, responsible for disease and death.
Vegetarian food, depleted of oxygen, rich in antioxidants are healthier. Man lived as hunter gatherer for nearly
10 lakh years and only recently, 10 thousand years ago shifted to agriculture. His genes have been conditioned
for hunter-gatherer’s lifestyle for very long time. and in last 200 years he has further added processed food in
his lifestyle. Today we have very clear knowledge of the limitation of our dynamic body and its finite needs of
bulk food, carbohydrate, protein, fat. and essential micronutrients, vitamins, amino acids, omega fatty acids. But
the tragedy is that we irrationally grow crops and feed our population with very high carbohydrate rich, protein
poor agriculture-produce to feed our masses. The most telling effect on our health has been because of excessive
intake of omega-6 fat and the paucity of omega-3 fat in our diet. Man, as hunter gatherer consumed less fat and
equal amount of omega-6 and omega-3 fat for very long and today suddenly started consuming more fat that too
lots of omega 6 fat and very little omega-3 fat. Omega-6 is inflammatory and omega-3 is anti-inflammatory. This
disease prone dominance of inflated inflammation in human body is largely responsible for the recent rise in several
noncommunicable disease (Figure 1). Innovative FLAX BIOVILLAGE concept developed by us, to enrich egg and
milk to attain omega-3 nutritional security, to combat Non-communicable disease will be presented.
Mahabaleshwar Hegde, Director of Centre for Innovation in Nutrition Health Disease, at Bharati Vidyapeeth (deemed to be) University, India,
He has taught biochemistry at post graduate level for 33 years, guided 20 PhD students, published 80+ papers in international journals,
worked as visiting scientist at Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre and Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York. He has presented his work
in several international forum. post retirement he has focused his research on the role of omega-3 fatty acid on human health and on getting
this crucial molecule back into the food chain. He developed unique innovative FLAX BIO-VILLAGE concept and validated it under ICAR.
NAIP projects, to establish backward linkage with linseed growing farmers and forward linkage with market through omega-3 enriched health
products such as milk egg bread, chocolates, flour mix etc. to achieve omega-3 nutritional security and thereby combat non communicable
mahabaleshwarh@yahoo.comMahabaleshwar Hegde
Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, India