Volume 5
Journal of Current Research: Cardiology
Heart Congress 2018
November 21-22, 2018
Page 18
Global Heart Congress
November 21-22, 2018 Osaka, Japan
First attempt to make cable less Holter based on patch monitoring concept
atch monitors became very popular because of the portability, small sizes and absence of patient cable. But unfortunately,
majority of them are single-lead or maximum two-leads ECG (Electro Cardio Graphy) registrars, which is not enough
for complete Holter data acquisition. Our pilot device looks similar to the conventional patch monitoring devices but
provides recording of six standard ECG leads: I, II, III, aVL, aVF and aVF. It is becoming possible because of several technical
innovations. First of all, patient unit of our Holter has four input electrodes. Instead of using of patient ECG cable, we have
embedded electrodes on the rear surface of the device. Electrodes are connectors same time. These connectors are closed
with a snap to convenient disposal ECG sticker electrodes. Therefore, our patient unit provides possibility to register all six
standard ECG leads. Connection of device’s electrodes with sticker ECG electrodes provides fixation of the device on the
patient chest. Of course, to make such connection reliable unit mass has to be as light as possible. Mass of our device is about
30 g. Second, we used original software algorithm which compensates small distance between unit electrodes not only for ECG
signal amplification but also recalculate registered ECG signals to emulate bigger inter-electrodes spacing similar to convenient
ECG registrations. Waterproof design and rechargeable battery improve utility features. Internal memory of the patient unit
is enough for up to one-year period of using, therefor it can be used also as event monitor. New Holter software based on
different design approaches to completely utilize all high possibilities of patient unit. We have to overcome main limitation of
conventional Holter’s software such as impossibility to compute huge ECG records longer than several days. To make it possible
we have created new Holter software based on unique WEB engine. Also, WEB engine provides natural cross platform work of
our Holter software for Windows, Mac OS and Linux.
Anatoly Ryzhikh got his PhD degree in Biomedical Electronics at Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University) in 1995 for the design
of Implantable Pacemaker for Cardiomyoplasty (active auto-muscle heart circulation support), also he has his own design of abdominal auto-muscle
circulation assist device, diagnostics external pacemakers, diagnostic and therapeutic electrophysiological catheters, patch holters hardware and
software. He worked as an associate professor at Moscow State Engineering Physics during the period of 1994-2007. Later he assigned as a CEO
of Dutch Stimulators Ltd in Russia. And now he is the CEO and President of Tyche MedTech Inc., USA. His main research area includes Circulation
assist device, Diagnostics external pacemakers, Electrophysiological catheters, and Patch holters.
anatoly@tychemedtech.comAnatoly Ryzhikh
Tyche MedTech Inc., USA
Anatoly Ryzhikh, Curr Res Cardiol 2018, Volume 5
DOI: 10.4172/2368-0512-C1-001