Volume 3
Current Research: Integrative Medicine
Nursing Care & ICNND 2018
October 22-23, 2018
Page 15
Nursing Care, Neurology and Neuromuscular Diseases
October 22-23, 2018 Madrid, Spain
World Congress on
Robotic and sensor technology: Can we change brain development and functional outcomes in young
children with brain insults?
rain insults occurring pre-, peri-, post-natal or during early infancy have lastingnegative impact on functional independence.
Many of the neuromuscular problems, educational disparities and societal participation limitations seen in older children
and adults can be traced back to infancy. The period of infancy is also associated with dramatic changes in development and
high synaptic connections in the brain further compounding the complexity and neurological sequelae following early brain
insults. On the other hand, neuroplasticity research suggests that this period also offers the best opportunity for introducing
targeted interventions that are likely to optimize development. The challenge for neurologists and rehabilitation professionals
worldwide has been in determining or developing interventions that are effective can be provided in the first year of life and
can yield sustainable results (dosing).
Thubi H A Kolobe is the Jill Pitman Jones Professor of Physical Therapy in the Department of Rehabilitation Science at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences
Centre. She is a Co-Developer of the Test of Infant Motor Performance for preterm infants, a norm-referenced test that is used worldwide and has been translated into
several languages. She has served as Chair of the Research Committee of the Section on Pediatrics, chaired a task force to develop a research agenda for the American
Physical Therapy Association's Section on Pediatrics, served on a recent task force to revise the research agenda for the American Physical Therapy Association and
has been appointed to serve on the Scientific Review Committee for the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health. She has
clinical experience in pediatrics and community-based interventions. She has completed her PhD in Pediatric Physical Therapy fromHahnemann University, Pennsylvania.
Hlapang-Kolobe@ouhsc.eduThubi H A Kolobe
The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Centre, USA
Thubi H A Kolobe, J Current Res: Int Medicine 2018, Volume 3
DOI: 10.4172/2529-797X-C2-004