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Parkinson’s & Movement Disorders
November 11-12, 2019 | London, UK
International Conference on
Parkinson’s 2019
November 11-12, 2019
J Neurol Clin Neurosci . | Volume 3
Volume 3
Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience
Putting patients at the centre of Parkinson’s studies
Bruce Hellman
uMotif, UK
ooking at 2019 and beyond it is critical that we take a patient-centric approach to healthcare studies and
clinical trials. Unfortunately, historically patients have come second to the desired results and outcomes.
uMotif has put patients at the centre since its founding in 2012, initially focusing on Parkinson's patients. Our
technology is designed with patients for patients. In talking with people who are enrolled in studies we ensure
that our applications are easy to use and provide value back to patients. Taking a patient-centric approach not
only helps patients and the quality of care they are to receive but it’s proven to improve outcomes and enhance
research data sets. During this session case studies will be discussed to highlight learnings from our work over
the last seven years. We will draw from strong experience in large Parkinson's projects: Smart-PD and 100 for
Parkinson's. Lessons will be shared about how to design and implement a project using patient-centric technology.