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Volume 3
Psychology 2019
July 31-August 01, 2019
Journal of Clinical Psychology and Cognitive Science
July 31-August 01, 2019 | Amsterdam, Netherlands
World Congress on
How emotional intentionality operates in the intimate life of people affected by
narcissistic personality disorder
Susi Ferrarello
California State University, Switzerland
n this paper I'm going to examine how emotional intentionality operates in the intimate life of people affected by Narcissistic
Personality Disorder(NPD). Focusing on emotional intentionality (Husserl, 2001) and interaffectivity (Fuchs, Jagher 2009) I
will investigate the intentional structure of the major emotional choices that shape NPDs emotional personality and their intimate
life. Henceforth, the paper will briefly discuss the way in which Husserl’s phenomenology describes intentionality and then,
it will move to the description of the narcissistic wound and the way in which it interacts with intentional and interaffective
I believe that such a clarification would increase NPDs’ chances to rehabilitate to a healthier life as they would overcome the
‘intentional’ blockage’ that prevent them from exploring the intentional content of their lived-experience. If given the tools to
this exploration, they might restore an inter-affective space and accordingly regain a way to a more flourishing intimate life with
their beloved ones.
Clin Psychol Cog Sci, Volume 3