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Volume 03
Spine 2019
October 16-17, 2019
Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience
October 16-17, 2019 | Rome, Italy
World Congress on
J Neurol Clin Neurosci, Volume 03
Is Corona Mortis, a vascular anomaly?
Dzmitry Valchkevich
GrSMU, Belarus
Statement of Problem
: the human arterial system is highly variable.
A large number of researches on the arterial variability, including
obturator artery, evidences this.
Classical manuals indicate that obturator artery is a permanent
branch of the internal iliac. In the special literature, on the contrary, a
large variability of the beginning of obturator artery is noted, which
varies from 29% to 48% and is explained by the late development
of this vessel.
The data obtained by routine dissection of pelvic vessels of
newborns and adults show that the obturator artery arises from the internal iliac artery in most of cases (52%). The other sources
of obturator artery are superior gluteal (18.2%), inferior gluteal (9.1%), internal pudendal (5%) and iliolumbar (2%) arteries.
Of particular interest are the variants of beginning of obturator artery from the external iliac artery system and its topography
relative to the femoral ring. The obturator artery can start from external iliac (Fig. 1a) or inferior epigastric (Fig. 1b) (up to 30%
according to the literature) as well as from femoral artery. The obturator artery can cross the femoral ring, bend around it along
the lateral or upper medial edges.
These variants should be taken into account by surgeons during hernia surgery, when there is a possibility of damage to the artery.
The beginning of obturator artery from the inferior epigastric artery is called “corona mortis”, which was found in 27.2% during
our study. Some researchers note, that “corona mortis” simulates a well-developed anastomosis between the pubic branch of
obturator artery and the obturator branch of inferior epigastric.
Conclusion & Significance
: Because of variability of the obturator artery detected during the study, its topography changes also
and consequently, the blood supply to a number of anatomical structures. “Corona Mortis” is seen in every third patient.
Dzmitry Valchkevich graduated from the Medical University in Grodno (Belarus) in 2001. He has received the degree of Candidate
of Medical Sciences (PhD) in 2005 for the study of 'Anatomical features of the arteries of pelvis in human' (2005). Has worked as an
Assistant Professor in the Department of Human Anatomy from 2003 to 2007. Since 2007, an Associate Professor of Human Anatomy.
In 2013-2015, he was the Head of the Department of Human Anatomy. During last 5 years, has about 80 scientific and educational
publications, 4 manuals for students on human anatomy. The teaching interests include human anatomy, physiology and histology.